Announcements and Events
Stupid in America—The show "20/20" recently aired a piece entitled "Stupid in America," which was a very negative portrayal of public education in America. This letter points out the omissions and contradictions of the piece.
Walkie-Talkie—We had a couple of extra Walkie-Talkies that were not being used, and am sending one of those to the kindergarten hall that can be used when you go outside. It doesn't look the best in the world, but I charged it and it did hold a charge for the entire school day.
Six Flags—All 6 Flags participant sheets must be turned in to the homeroom teachers and then to Ms. Watts by Friday, February 24. Because they must be postmarked that weekend, there can be no late entries.
A little shameless self-promotion—I had almost forgotten I had written this and sent it to McGraw-Hill/Glencoe. I actually sent this to them over a year ago.
Next Week
- Tuesday—Book Fair (5:30)
- Tuesday—PTO (6:30) followed by Lightspan Orientation
- Wednesday—David Moesher (Our Xerox rep.) is going to come right after school to give a demo on using the new copier to anyone who would like to attend.
- Thursday—K-6 teachers meet with Author's Day Committee (2:50) in library.
- Friday—Recycling
- Friday—County Spelling Bee
- Monday—Baymobile
- Tuesday—Baymobile
- Tuesday—Science Fair (Dixon)
- Thursday—I will be in Montgomery for Fine Arts Course of Study
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